今天是「520」,也是我們農民社會運動的先驅「 #簡吉」先生的冥誕
前陣子 #英雙中心 與 #永慶高中、#大眾基金會 積極合作,協助翻譯簡吉先生的生平事蹟,
#翁章梁縣長、#李美華處長、大眾基金會 #簡明仁董事長(簡吉之子)還有許多長官來賓都到場共襄盛舉!!場面十分盛大~
融合 #雙語教育 與 #鄉土教育,對自己家鄉的歷史有更深的認識,敬請期待囉~
In cooperation with Yung Ching Senior High School and CGCH Foundation for Education, Jian-Ji’s memorial exhibition has opened today. The County Magistrate, Director of the Education Department, President of CGCH Foundation for Education and other officers all attended this opening ceremony.
Jian-Ji was one of the first group of people who fought for the farmers’ rights. Knowing this history can help the students have a better understanding of their hometown. Our center will also hold some English tours in the future. Please look forward to them!!
新聞來源:永慶高中 https://ebtrc.cyc.edu.tw/index.php
影片來源:公共電視-嘉義永慶高中辦特展 介紹日本時代農民運動